Monday, February 29, 2016
[Mod Skin] Ashe Arclight
Mod Skin Ashe Arclight là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Ashe liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Ashe Arclight
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Annie Dragon Slayer
Mod Skin Annie Dragon Slayer là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Annie liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Annie Dragon Slayer
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
- Download:
Sunday, February 28, 2016
[Mod Skin] Akali Country Girl
Akali Country Girl is mod skin lol free, There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou and it employs a triumvirate of shadow warriors to uphold its causes in the world. Akali is one of these shadow warriors, entrusted with the sacred duty of Pruning the Tree - eliminating those who threaten the equilibrium of Valoran.
A prodigal martial artist, Akali began training with her mother as soon as she could make a fist. Her mother's discipline was relentless and unforgiving, but predicated on the fundamental principle: ''We do that which must be done.'' When the Kinkou inducted her into the order at the age of fourteen, she could slice a dangling chain with a chop of her hand. There was no question - she would succeed her mother as the Fist of Shadow. She has had to do much in this role which others might find morally questionable, but to her it is in service of her mother's inviolable doctrine. She now works with her fellows Shen and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice.
The Fist of Shadow strikes from the cover of death itself. Do not impede the balance.
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[Mod Skin] Shaco C9
Mod Skin Shaco C9 là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Shaco liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Shaco C9
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
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Mod Skin Lee Sin Jonathan Joestar

As a young teen, Lee Sin was intent on becoming a summoner. His will and dedication were unmatched by any of his peers, and his skill drew the attention of Reginald Ashram, the League's High Councilor at the time. While studying at the Arcanum Majoris, Lee Sin became frustrated with instruction paced for the other students. He spent his free time researching the nuances of summoning in hopes of graduating sooner. He made amazing advances in his arcane studies, surpassing all other students. By all indications, he would have become one of the League's greatest summoners were it not for one terrible mistake. Too impatient, he attempted to test his ability by summoning a beast from the Plague Jungles. What he summoned instead was a young boy, but not in one piece. He barely had time to look the boy in what was once his face before the jumbled human mass fell lifeless to the floor. A League investigation later revealed that the boy's entire village was obliterated by feedback from the ritual.
Lee Sin's talents were so promising that the League was willing to overlook the incident, but he could never forgive himself. He left the Institute and journeyed to the Shojin Monastery for eternal repentance, swearing never to practice magic again. Years later, hoping to atone for his crime with martyrdom, he set himself ablaze as a protest of the Noxian occupation of Ionia. He remained alive in this state, enduring searing agony for weeks. His actions paved the way for a League match wherein Ionia prevailed, but by the time he was doused, his eyes had been burned completely from their sockets. Hailed as a savior, he was reborn, and his will to act invigorated. He joined the League of Legends to continue his atonement with sweat and blood, a true monk's only possessions.
''The actions of one may sunder the world, but the efforts of many may rebuild it.''
- Lee Sin
Lee Sin Jonathan Joestar is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
- Download in Mediafire :
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[Mod] Khung Viền Project v2
Mod Skin Khung Viền Project v2 là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định HUD liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Khung Viền Project v2
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Mod Skin Rengar Fnatic

Rengar Fnatic is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
On every wall of his den, the trophy hunter Rengar mounts the heads, horns, claws, and fangs of the most lethal creatures in Valoran. Though his collection is extensive, he remains unsatisfied, tirelessly seeking greater game. He takes time with every kill, studying his prey, learning, and preparing himself for the next encounter with the one monster he never managed to defeat.
Rengar never knew his real parents, but was raised by a human who was revered as a legendary hunter. He was an ideal pupil, intently absorbing the lessons of his father, and improving them with his uncanny feral instincts. Before his mane had fully grown, Rengar set off on his own and claimed a wide territory for himself. Along its perimeter, he mounted the skulls of his slain prey - a warning to would-be aggressors. He thought undisputed reign of a region would fulfill him, but instead, he grew restless. No beasts in his domain proved challenging prey, and without formidable adversaries to push his limits, Rengar's spirit waned. He feared that no worthwhile game remained, that he would never again feel the thrill of the hunt. Just when things seemed their bleakest, he encountered the monster. It was a disturbing, alien thing, distinctly out of place in his world. It bore huge scything claws and devoured any animal that strayed across its path. Overzealous at the prospect of a challenge, Rengar ambushed the monster in haste. It far outclassed anything he'd hunted before.
Their fight was savage, and each suffered crippling wounds. Rengar lost an eye, but the most grievous blow was to his pride. He had never before failed to make the kill. Worse yet, the severity of his injuries forced him to retreat. Over the following days, he hovered on the threshold between life and death. He was wracked with pain, but beneath it, he felt a glimmer of joy. The hunt was on. If such powerful beings existed in the world, he would find them, and stack their heads high. The monster, however, was a kill he wanted to savor. On his den's largest wall, he reserves a space for the beast's head, a trophy he swears will one day be the centerpiece of his collection.
- Download in Mediafire :
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Friday, February 26, 2016
[Mod Skin] Poppy Runic Void
Mod Skin Poppy Runic Void là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Poppy liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Poppy Runic Void
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Nasus Doge
Mod Skin Nasus Doge là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Nasus liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Nasus Doge
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Janna HeartSeeker
Mod Skin Janna HeartSeeker là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Janna liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Janna HeartSeeker
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Mod Skin Zed Dead Pool

Zed Dead Pool is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers power to those who embrace knowledge of the shadows, and slays those who cling to ignorance.
An orphan, Zed was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zed's equal - the master's son, Shen. It seemed Zed could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zed knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge, he challenged Shen, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zed had used forbidden ways, and banished him.
Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, and he began to train others in the style of the shadows. As his power grew, so did his circle of followers, but he knew that without the box, his technique would never be perfect. One day, Zed looked at his followers and saw that his students were now an army. He led them back to the temple to claim his prize. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zed and his disciples as if they were welcome guests. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, declaring that he had failed Zed as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zed to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zed to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Moments later, the assembled ninjas heard Zed cry out in pain. Mysteriously, he emerged unscathed, and threw the severed head of the master at Shen's feet. Screaming in rage, Zed commanded his followers to slaughter the master's students and seize the box.
That day, the old ninja order fell. Though many students died, some escaped thanks to Shen's heroic efforts. Now the temple is a dark training ground for the Order of the Shadow. Zed rules as the Order's master, and his edict is simple: perfect one's technique, and kill all ninjas who refuse to embrace the shadows.
''Balance is a lie - we are the true ninjas.''
- Download in Mediafire :
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
[Mod Skin] Jhin Akatsuki
Mod Skin Jhin Akatsuki là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Jhin liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Jhin Akatsuki
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Annie Future Schoolgirl
Mod Skin Annie Future Schoolgirl là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Annie liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Annie Future Schoolgirl
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by ChuSun
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Leblanc Elderwood
Mod Skin Leblanc Elderwood là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Leblanc liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Leblanc Elderwood
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Annie Hextech
Mod Skin Annie Hextech là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Annie liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Annie Hextech
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
[Mod Skin] Heimerdinger HeartSeeker
Mod Skin Heimerdinger HeartSeeker là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Heimerdinger liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Heimerdinger HeartSeeker
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Elise Oriental Blossom
Mod Skin Elise Oriental Blossom là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Elise liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Elise Oriental Blossom
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Hecarim Metal Gear Solid
Mod Skin Hecarim Metal Gear Solid là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Hecarim liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Hecarim Metal Gear Solid
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Friday, February 19, 2016
Mod Skin Fiora Plutia

I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.
From an early age, Fiora defied every expectation placed upon her. Her mother had the finest craftsmen of Demacia fashion the most lifelike dolls for her. Fiora gave them to her maids and took up her brother's rapier, forcing him to give her lessons in secret. Her father obtained a host of dressmaking mannequins for her personal seamstress to craft wondrous dresses. Fiora used them to practice lunges and ripostes.
Fiora Plutia is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
- Download in Mediafire :
- Download in Google Drive :
Mod Skin Yasuo Blue Moon

Yasuo Blue Moon is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. This once-proud warrior has been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. With the world turned against him, he will do everything in his power to bring the guilty to justice and restore his honor.
Formerly a brilliant pupil at a renowned Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the only student in a generation to master the legendary wind technique. Many believed he was destined to become a great hero. However, his fate was changed forever when Noxus invaded. Yasuo was charged with guarding an Ionian Elder, but, foolishly believing his blade alone could make the difference, he left his post to join the fray. By the time he returned, the Elder had been slain.
Disgraced, Yasuo willingly turned himself in, prepared to pay for his failure with his life. He was shocked, however, to find himself accused not just of dereliction, but of the murder itself. Though confused and racked with guilt, he knew the assassin would go unpunished if he did not act. Yasuo raised his sword against the school and fought his way free, knowing his treason would turn all of Ionia against him. Left truly alone for the first time in his life, he set out to find the Elder's real killer.
Yasuo spent the next several years wandering the land, seeking any clue that might lead him to the murderer. All the while, he was relentlessly hunted by his former allies, continually forced to fight or die. His mission drove him ever forward, until he was tracked down by the one foe he dreaded most - his own brother, Yone.
Bound by a common code of honor, the two warriors bowed and drew their swords. Silently they circled one another under the moonlight. When they finally charged forward, Yone was no match for Yasuo; with a single flash of steel he cut his brother down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and rushed to Yone's side.
Overcome with emotion, he demanded to know how his own kin could think him guilty. Yone spoke: ''The Elder was killed by a wind technique. Who else could it be?'' Understanding swept over Yasuo as he suddenly realized why he had been accused. He professed his innocence once more and begged his brother's forgiveness. Tears streamed down Yasuo's face as his brother passed in his arms.
Yasuo buried Yone under the rising sun, but could take no time to mourn. Others would be after him before long. His brother's revelation had given Yasuo newfound purpose; he now had the clue that would lead to the true killer. Swearing an oath, he gathered his belongings and, with one last look at Yone's grave, set out with the wind at his back.
''The story of a sword is inked in blood.''
-- Yasuo
- Download in Mediafire :
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Thursday, February 18, 2016
Mod Skin Rengar Co May Chien Dau

Rengar Co May Chien Dau is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
On every wall of his den, the trophy hunter Rengar mounts the heads, horns, claws, and fangs of the most lethal creatures in Valoran. Though his collection is extensive, he remains unsatisfied, tirelessly seeking greater game. He takes time with every kill, studying his prey, learning, and preparing himself for the next encounter with the one monster he never managed to defeat.
Rengar never knew his real parents, but was raised by a human who was revered as a legendary hunter. He was an ideal pupil, intently absorbing the lessons of his father, and improving them with his uncanny feral instincts. Before his mane had fully grown, Rengar set off on his own and claimed a wide territory for himself. Along its perimeter, he mounted the skulls of his slain prey - a warning to would-be aggressors. He thought undisputed reign of a region would fulfill him, but instead, he grew restless. No beasts in his domain proved challenging prey, and without formidable adversaries to push his limits, Rengar's spirit waned. He feared that no worthwhile game remained, that he would never again feel the thrill of the hunt. Just when things seemed their bleakest, he encountered the monster. It was a disturbing, alien thing, distinctly out of place in his world. It bore huge scything claws and devoured any animal that strayed across its path. Overzealous at the prospect of a challenge, Rengar ambushed the monster in haste. It far outclassed anything he'd hunted before.
Their fight was savage, and each suffered crippling wounds. Rengar lost an eye, but the most grievous blow was to his pride. He had never before failed to make the kill. Worse yet, the severity of his injuries forced him to retreat. Over the following days, he hovered on the threshold between life and death. He was wracked with pain, but beneath it, he felt a glimmer of joy. The hunt was on. If such powerful beings existed in the world, he would find them, and stack their heads high. The monster, however, was a kill he wanted to savor. On his den's largest wall, he reserves a space for the beast's head, a trophy he swears will one day be the centerpiece of his collection.
- Download in Mediafire :
- Download in Google Drive :
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
[Mod Skin] Mordekaiser Stars War
Mod Skin Mordekaiser Stars War là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Mordekaiser liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Mordekaiser Stars War
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Gnar Steel
Mod Skin Gnar Steel là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Gnar liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Gnar Steel
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Ekko Raven Princess
Mod Skin Ekko Raven Princess là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Ekko liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Ekko Raven Princess
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Irelia Project
Mod Skin Irelia Project là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Irelia liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Irelia Project
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Monday, February 15, 2016
[Mod Skin] Kennen Biệt Đội Omega
Mod Skin Kennen Biệt Đội Omega là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Kennen liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Kennen Biệt Đội Omega
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Mod Skin Zed Co May Chien Dau

Zed Cỗ Máy Chiến Đấu is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers power to those who embrace knowledge of the shadows, and slays those who cling to ignorance.
An orphan, Zed was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zed's equal - the master's son, Shen. It seemed Zed could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zed knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge, he challenged Shen, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zed had used forbidden ways, and banished him.
Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, and he began to train others in the style of the shadows. As his power grew, so did his circle of followers, but he knew that without the box, his technique would never be perfect. One day, Zed looked at his followers and saw that his students were now an army. He led them back to the temple to claim his prize. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zed and his disciples as if they were welcome guests. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, declaring that he had failed Zed as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zed to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zed to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Moments later, the assembled ninjas heard Zed cry out in pain. Mysteriously, he emerged unscathed, and threw the severed head of the master at Shen's feet. Screaming in rage, Zed commanded his followers to slaughter the master's students and seize the box.
That day, the old ninja order fell. Though many students died, some escaped thanks to Shen's heroic efforts. Now the temple is a dark training ground for the Order of the Shadow. Zed rules as the Order's master, and his edict is simple: perfect one's technique, and kill all ninjas who refuse to embrace the shadows.
''Balance is a lie - we are the true ninjas.''
- Download in Mediafire :
- Download in Google Drive :
Saturday, February 13, 2016
[Mod Skin] Jhin Order Of The Lotus
Mod Skin Jhin Order Of The Lotus là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Jhinn liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Jhin Order Of The Lotus
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
[Mod Skin] Jhin Full Metal
Mod Skin Jhin Full Metal là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định JHin liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Jhin Full Metal
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Jinx Miku
Mod Skin Jinx Miku là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Jinx liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Jinx Miku
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
[Mod Skin] Jhin Cao Bồi
Mod Skin Jhin Cao Bồi là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Jhin liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Jhin Cao Bồi
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Friday, February 12, 2016
Mod Skin Zed Raiden Metal Gear Rising

Zed Raiden Metal Gear Rising is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers power to those who embrace knowledge of the shadows, and slays those who cling to ignorance.
An orphan, Zed was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zed's equal - the master's son, Shen. It seemed Zed could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zed knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge, he challenged Shen, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zed had used forbidden ways, and banished him.
Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, and he began to train others in the style of the shadows. As his power grew, so did his circle of followers, but he knew that without the box, his technique would never be perfect. One day, Zed looked at his followers and saw that his students were now an army. He led them back to the temple to claim his prize. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zed and his disciples as if they were welcome guests. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, declaring that he had failed Zed as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zed to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zed to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Moments later, the assembled ninjas heard Zed cry out in pain. Mysteriously, he emerged unscathed, and threw the severed head of the master at Shen's feet. Screaming in rage, Zed commanded his followers to slaughter the master's students and seize the box.
That day, the old ninja order fell. Though many students died, some escaped thanks to Shen's heroic efforts. Now the temple is a dark training ground for the Order of the Shadow. Zed rules as the Order's master, and his edict is simple: perfect one's technique, and kill all ninjas who refuse to embrace the shadows.
''Balance is a lie - we are the true ninjas.''
- Download in Mediafire :
- Download in Google Drive :
Mod Skin Ahri Project

Ahri Project is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
- Download in Mediafire :
- Download in Google Drive :
Thursday, February 11, 2016
[Mod Skin] Jhin Project
Mod Skin Jhin Project là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Jhin liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Jhin Project
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Phần Mềm Mod Skin LoL ver 3.0
Chỉ cần thực hiện 4 bước như hình bạn sẽ mod skin dễ dàng !
Bước 1
Bước 2
Bước 3
Bước 4
Update phần mềm mod skin ver 3.0
Thông tin phần mềm mod skin của
Phần mềm mod skin liên minh của là phần mềm thay thế những thao tác mod skin bằng tay thủ công để thay đổi giao diện tướng, sound, map, khung viền, mẫu mắt của game liên minh Việt Nam nói chung và tựa game League of Legends (viết tắt là LOL) nói chung.
Do cách mod skin của phần mềm hoàn toàn giống với cách mod skin bằng tay thủ công 100% , nên mình nhắc lại là không vi phạm phần mềm thứ 3 mà bên Garena họ đã nói !
Do chúng tôi không bao giờ tích hợp thêm những phần mềm hỗ trợ người chơi để gian lận trong game nên các bạn cứ tin tưởng và an tâm 100% là sẽ ko bị khóa nếu chỉ dùng phần mềm của
- Phần mềm mod skin liên minh Viet Nam
- Download link Mediafire:
- Download link Google Drive:
Bước 1

Bước 2

Bước 3

Bước 4

Update phần mềm mod skin ver 3.0
Thông tin phần mềm mod skin của
Phần mềm mod skin liên minh của là phần mềm thay thế những thao tác mod skin bằng tay thủ công để thay đổi giao diện tướng, sound, map, khung viền, mẫu mắt của game liên minh Việt Nam nói chung và tựa game League of Legends (viết tắt là LOL) nói chung.
Do cách mod skin của phần mềm hoàn toàn giống với cách mod skin bằng tay thủ công 100% , nên mình nhắc lại là không vi phạm phần mềm thứ 3 mà bên Garena họ đã nói !
Do chúng tôi không bao giờ tích hợp thêm những phần mềm hỗ trợ người chơi để gian lận trong game nên các bạn cứ tin tưởng và an tâm 100% là sẽ ko bị khóa nếu chỉ dùng phần mềm của
- Phần mềm mod skin liên minh Viet Nam
- Download link Mediafire:
- Download link Google Drive:
FAQs - Các câu hỏi thường gặp
1 - Dùng Tool có bị garena khóa acc không?
Xin thưa là ko bởi vì Tool không hề can thiệp vào file hệ thống của game, ko làm can thiệp vào kết quả trận đấu cũng như k hề làm mất cân bằng trong game. Minh chứng là acc ChuSun làm mod hơn 2 năm nay vẫn sống nhăn =)) Các bạn yên tâm sử dụng nhé.
2 - Tải Mod ở đâu?
Các bạn có thể tải ở trang web chính thức hoặc Nếu bạn nào vị virus từ ko vào được thì tải tool trực tiếp bằng link
3 - Mod Skin này thì người khác có nhìn thấy đc ko?
Người khác nhìn được thì bọn Riot vs Garena bốc shit mà ăn à?
4 - Sao tôi mod map nhưng vào game ko thấy thay đổi?
Để hiện mod map thì các bạn phải vào Cài đặt---> Mục hình ảnh tìm đến phần “Chất lượng môi trường” Chuyển thành Trung Bình là sẽ thấy
5 - Nếu chẳng may bị lỗi game hoặc muốn khôi phục về LOL ban đầu thì làm ntn?
Bật tool lên rồi bấm vào nút “Khôi phục mặc định” màu hồng cạnh nút FB ấy
6 - Có mấy skin ko có đủ hiệu ứng vì sao?
Đơn giản! Nạp tiền vào là xong =)) Của Free, đồ Fake thì đừng đòi hỏi nhiều
7 - Tool có Virus, Trojan,keylog,... ko?
Acc Full skin thừa hơn 200k ip, Tiền thì cũng chẳng thiếu, virus để lấy cái acc lol làm j :-? Ko có Virus!!!!!!!!!!!
8 - Có nhiều Skin HOT bị tải thất bại là làm sao?
Skin HOT chỉ cho phép 2000 lượt down trong 1 ngày thôi cho nên quá lượt or chậm chân thì mod skin khác vì còn nhiều skin khác đẹp chán hoặc đợi ngày mai tải :v
[Mod Skin] Syndra Dark Snow
Mod Skin Syndra Dark Snow là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Syndra liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Syndra Dark Snow
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
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Mod Skin Ezreal GunDam

The intrepid young adventurer Ezreal has explored some of the most remote and abandoned locations on Runeterra. During an expedition to the buried ruins of ancient Shurima, he recovered an amulet of incredible mystical power. Likely constructed to be worn by one of the Ascended, the enormous talisman nonetheless fit snugly upon his arm, amplifying his raw sorcerous skill to such an extent that he's gained the reputation of a hero, much to his embarrassment.
Ezreal GunDam is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
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Mod Skin Yasuo Hoang Kim Giap

Yasuo Hoàng Kim Giáp is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. This once-proud warrior has been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. With the world turned against him, he will do everything in his power to bring the guilty to justice and restore his honor.
Formerly a brilliant pupil at a renowned Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the only student in a generation to master the legendary wind technique. Many believed he was destined to become a great hero. However, his fate was changed forever when Noxus invaded. Yasuo was charged with guarding an Ionian Elder, but, foolishly believing his blade alone could make the difference, he left his post to join the fray. By the time he returned, the Elder had been slain.
Disgraced, Yasuo willingly turned himself in, prepared to pay for his failure with his life. He was shocked, however, to find himself accused not just of dereliction, but of the murder itself. Though confused and racked with guilt, he knew the assassin would go unpunished if he did not act. Yasuo raised his sword against the school and fought his way free, knowing his treason would turn all of Ionia against him. Left truly alone for the first time in his life, he set out to find the Elder's real killer.
Yasuo spent the next several years wandering the land, seeking any clue that might lead him to the murderer. All the while, he was relentlessly hunted by his former allies, continually forced to fight or die. His mission drove him ever forward, until he was tracked down by the one foe he dreaded most - his own brother, Yone.
Bound by a common code of honor, the two warriors bowed and drew their swords. Silently they circled one another under the moonlight. When they finally charged forward, Yone was no match for Yasuo; with a single flash of steel he cut his brother down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and rushed to Yone's side.
Overcome with emotion, he demanded to know how his own kin could think him guilty. Yone spoke: ''The Elder was killed by a wind technique. Who else could it be?'' Understanding swept over Yasuo as he suddenly realized why he had been accused. He professed his innocence once more and begged his brother's forgiveness. Tears streamed down Yasuo's face as his brother passed in his arms.
Yasuo buried Yone under the rising sun, but could take no time to mourn. Others would be after him before long. His brother's revelation had given Yasuo newfound purpose; he now had the clue that would lead to the true killer. Swearing an oath, he gathered his belongings and, with one last look at Yone's grave, set out with the wind at his back.
''The story of a sword is inked in blood.''
-- Yasuo
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[Mod Skin] Cho'gath Neon
Mod Skin Cho'gath Neon là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Cho'gath liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Cho'gath Neon
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Mod Skin Yasuo Blood Moon Official

Yasuo Blood Moon Official is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. This once-proud warrior has been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. With the world turned against him, he will do everything in his power to bring the guilty to justice and restore his honor.
Formerly a brilliant pupil at a renowned Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the only student in a generation to master the legendary wind technique. Many believed he was destined to become a great hero. However, his fate was changed forever when Noxus invaded. Yasuo was charged with guarding an Ionian Elder, but, foolishly believing his blade alone could make the difference, he left his post to join the fray. By the time he returned, the Elder had been slain.
Disgraced, Yasuo willingly turned himself in, prepared to pay for his failure with his life. He was shocked, however, to find himself accused not just of dereliction, but of the murder itself. Though confused and racked with guilt, he knew the assassin would go unpunished if he did not act. Yasuo raised his sword against the school and fought his way free, knowing his treason would turn all of Ionia against him. Left truly alone for the first time in his life, he set out to find the Elder's real killer.
Yasuo spent the next several years wandering the land, seeking any clue that might lead him to the murderer. All the while, he was relentlessly hunted by his former allies, continually forced to fight or die. His mission drove him ever forward, until he was tracked down by the one foe he dreaded most - his own brother, Yone.
Bound by a common code of honor, the two warriors bowed and drew their swords. Silently they circled one another under the moonlight. When they finally charged forward, Yone was no match for Yasuo; with a single flash of steel he cut his brother down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and rushed to Yone's side.
Overcome with emotion, he demanded to know how his own kin could think him guilty. Yone spoke: ''The Elder was killed by a wind technique. Who else could it be?'' Understanding swept over Yasuo as he suddenly realized why he had been accused. He professed his innocence once more and begged his brother's forgiveness. Tears streamed down Yasuo's face as his brother passed in his arms.
Yasuo buried Yone under the rising sun, but could take no time to mourn. Others would be after him before long. His brother's revelation had given Yasuo newfound purpose; he now had the clue that would lead to the true killer. Swearing an oath, he gathered his belongings and, with one last look at Yone's grave, set out with the wind at his back.
''The story of a sword is inked in blood.''
-- Yasuo
- Download in Mediafire :
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Mod Skin Rengar Batman

Rengar Batman is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
On every wall of his den, the trophy hunter Rengar mounts the heads, horns, claws, and fangs of the most lethal creatures in Valoran. Though his collection is extensive, he remains unsatisfied, tirelessly seeking greater game. He takes time with every kill, studying his prey, learning, and preparing himself for the next encounter with the one monster he never managed to defeat.
Rengar never knew his real parents, but was raised by a human who was revered as a legendary hunter. He was an ideal pupil, intently absorbing the lessons of his father, and improving them with his uncanny feral instincts. Before his mane had fully grown, Rengar set off on his own and claimed a wide territory for himself. Along its perimeter, he mounted the skulls of his slain prey - a warning to would-be aggressors. He thought undisputed reign of a region would fulfill him, but instead, he grew restless. No beasts in his domain proved challenging prey, and without formidable adversaries to push his limits, Rengar's spirit waned. He feared that no worthwhile game remained, that he would never again feel the thrill of the hunt. Just when things seemed their bleakest, he encountered the monster. It was a disturbing, alien thing, distinctly out of place in his world. It bore huge scything claws and devoured any animal that strayed across its path. Overzealous at the prospect of a challenge, Rengar ambushed the monster in haste. It far outclassed anything he'd hunted before.
Their fight was savage, and each suffered crippling wounds. Rengar lost an eye, but the most grievous blow was to his pride. He had never before failed to make the kill. Worse yet, the severity of his injuries forced him to retreat. Over the following days, he hovered on the threshold between life and death. He was wracked with pain, but beneath it, he felt a glimmer of joy. The hunt was on. If such powerful beings existed in the world, he would find them, and stack their heads high. The monster, however, was a kill he wanted to savor. On his den's largest wall, he reserves a space for the beast's head, a trophy he swears will one day be the centerpiece of his collection.
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Mod Skin Quinn Sieu Pham

Quinn Sieu Pham is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Quinn and Valor are an elite ranger team. With crossbow and claw, they undertake their nation's most dangerous missions deep within enemy territory, from swift reconnaissance to lethal strikes. The pair's unbreakable bond is deadly on the battlefield, leaving opponents ravaged and riddled with arrows long before they realize who they're fighting: not one, but two Demacian legends.
As a young girl, Quinn shared a hunger for adventure with her twin brother. They dreamed of becoming knights, but lived a quiet, humble life in the rural borderlands of Demacia. Together they imagined triumphant battles in faraway lands, seizing glory for their king and slaying foes in the name of Demacian justice. When daydreams alone could no longer satisfy their warriors souls, they embarked on daring wilderness adventures in search of true danger. One such quest turned to tragedy when a terrible accident claimed her brother's life. Overcome with grief, Quinn abandoned her dreams of knighthood.
On the anniversary of her loss, Quinn gathered the courage to return to the scene of the tragedy. To her surprise, she found a wounded Demacian eagle at the site of her brother's death - a rare and beautiful bird long believed extinct. Quinn nursed the fledgling back to health, and as they grew up together, a deep bond formed between the two. She saw the same quality in her newfound friend that had lived within her brother, and so she gave him the name ''Valor.'' The pair found strength in each other, and together they pursued the dream she had once abandoned.
The Demacian army had never seen heroes like Quinn and Valor. Their deadly skills quickly set them apart from their rank-and-file peers, but many still had their doubts. How could a common-born girl, even with such a powerful creature at her side, forego years of military training? Quinn and Valor proved themselves on one critical mission, tracking down a Noxian assassin who had evaded an entire Demacian battalion. When they brought him to justice, they finally earned the admiration and respect of their nation. The two now serve as living, fighting icons of Demacian strength and perseverance. Together, Quinn and Valor will stand against any threat to their beloved home.
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Monday, February 8, 2016
Mod Skin Vayne Tet Nguyen Dan

The world is not always as civilized as people might think. There are still those who would follow the blackest paths of magic and become corrupted by the darker powers that flow through Runeterra. Shauna Vayne knows this fact well.
As a young privileged girl in the heart of Demacia's elite, her father tried to convince her of the constabulary's ever-vigilant eye. Young and naive, she truly believed that her world was one of perfect safety, until one night, when a twisted witch took interest in her father. The malevolent woman overcame her father's conciliar guard, then tortured her family before murdering them. The young Shauna escaped only by hiding herself and then fleeing once the hag had departed, plagued by the screams of her loved ones as she ran. A burning hatred was born in her that day, one that could never be denied.
Vayne was able to take care of herself using her father's money, and she began to train as soon as an instructor would have her as a student. By the time she was a fully grown woman, she had become a grim warrior. However, the fields of battle were not to be her home.
Demacia needed a protector, one who hunted those lost to the darkness. Shauna used her family's contacts to become the first Night Hunter, and now her prowess is legendary. It is said that those who practice the black arts quake when they hear that the Night Hunter is on the prowl.
Not all shadows are to be feared. At least, if Vayne has her way.
Vayne Tet Nguyen Dan is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
- Download in Mediafire :
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[Mod Skin] Irelia Tet Nguyen Dan
Mod Skin Irelia Tet Nguyen Dan là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Irelia liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Irelia Tet Nguyen Dan
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Sunday, February 7, 2016
[Mod Skin] Ekko Neptune
Mod Skin Ekko Neptune là phần mềm miễn phí để thay đổi skin mặc định Ekko liên minh huyền thoại Việt Nam, khi chạy chương trình sẽ tự động tìm thư mục đã cài đặt liên minh huyền thoại trước đó, sau đó việc còn lại của bạn là chỉ việc nhấn vào nút cài đặt để kích hoạt skin cho game liên minh, các bạn có thể yên tâm sử dụng phần mềm tại, chúng tôi cam đoan sẽ ko gây hại đến tài khoản của các bạn, và hoàn toàn miễn phí ! và bạn có thể download mod skin lien minh, mod skin lol, mod skin lien minh, mod skin, mod map lol, mod ui lol, mod hud lol, mod ban do lien minh, mod khung vien lien minh, mod launcher lol, mod theme lien minh, gia skin lien minh, fake skin lol !
- Mod name: Ekko Neptune
- reMod for Server LoL Việt Nam by Mbtg
- Download:
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Mod Skin Quinn Digimaster

Quinn Digimaster is mod skin lol free, This mod uses skins you can change the default skin of the character in the game League of Legends, you can easily install, or you can download skins mod file for reference, all skin mod, mod map is free for everyone.
Quinn and Valor are an elite ranger team. With crossbow and claw, they undertake their nation's most dangerous missions deep within enemy territory, from swift reconnaissance to lethal strikes. The pair's unbreakable bond is deadly on the battlefield, leaving opponents ravaged and riddled with arrows long before they realize who they're fighting: not one, but two Demacian legends.
As a young girl, Quinn shared a hunger for adventure with her twin brother. They dreamed of becoming knights, but lived a quiet, humble life in the rural borderlands of Demacia. Together they imagined triumphant battles in faraway lands, seizing glory for their king and slaying foes in the name of Demacian justice. When daydreams alone could no longer satisfy their warriors souls, they embarked on daring wilderness adventures in search of true danger. One such quest turned to tragedy when a terrible accident claimed her brother's life. Overcome with grief, Quinn abandoned her dreams of knighthood.
On the anniversary of her loss, Quinn gathered the courage to return to the scene of the tragedy. To her surprise, she found a wounded Demacian eagle at the site of her brother's death - a rare and beautiful bird long believed extinct. Quinn nursed the fledgling back to health, and as they grew up together, a deep bond formed between the two. She saw the same quality in her newfound friend that had lived within her brother, and so she gave him the name ''Valor.'' The pair found strength in each other, and together they pursued the dream she had once abandoned.
The Demacian army had never seen heroes like Quinn and Valor. Their deadly skills quickly set them apart from their rank-and-file peers, but many still had their doubts. How could a common-born girl, even with such a powerful creature at her side, forego years of military training? Quinn and Valor proved themselves on one critical mission, tracking down a Noxian assassin who had evaded an entire Demacian battalion. When they brought him to justice, they finally earned the admiration and respect of their nation. The two now serve as living, fighting icons of Demacian strength and perseverance. Together, Quinn and Valor will stand against any threat to their beloved home.
- Download in Mediafire :
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